Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It was in 1999 that i had the luxury of driving of driving myself in a car with zero supervision. I had the opportunity to speed as fast as i would love to or move as cautious as possible but realizing that it was m first driving on the highway caution sets in.

Speed is addictive and it feels good when you drive fast past other cars. That day i had two choices; to move at top speed or move at an average speed (applying caution). You can never trust your adrenalin when it begins to pump up through your veins not to do the unimaginable, so that day i drove as fast as the car would let me before the fear of "hey it's your first time sets in" thereby reminding me of the word "CAUTION!"

In ten years of driving i have seen several road mishaps that has claimed innocent lives and maimed several others. As a result of this i have to realize that "SAFETY" in driving can never be overlooked. In light of this, road safety laws and regulation have been put in place for all road users to guide them. 

The use of cell phone while driving should be strongly discouraged, while car kits should be encouraged. Road users should rather park off the road answer calls which in itself is not an offence but can be veiwed as an act of "CAUTION" to ensure their safety and that of other road user.

The lession from that frst drive for me is that in driving SAFETY! comes first and it should be the watchword for all road users.


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