Tuesday, September 15, 2009

my mind's driving

Driving any automobile is one of life easy tasks, it is one that can be performed first in the mind (subconsciously) and then re-enacted consciously afterwards.

Most drivers would agree that learning to steer the wheel and adjusting the balance between the throttle and accelerator pedals is the most delicate part of their training exercise. If you would look deep inside, you will soon find out that the ability to steer a wheel in any particular direction is of an innate capacity which can only be released when we wave the proper wand stick in the instinctive direction of our ability make up 

We have heard some people boast that "I can drive a car if woken up from sleep", this would be true, if we consider the fact that driving is not an exercise that one has to learn over again once learnt.  

So if you are planning on learning to drive any car be it manual or automatic, your first act is to understand that you probably wont drive that car if you do not first finish the drive in your mind.

Now just how do you do that? watch out for the next blog article where i would explain to you exactly how to DRIVE IT FIRST IN YOUR MIND.


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